Quantization for Neural Networks
how to properly quantize neural networks for efficient hardware inference?
Enforcing Lipschitz Constant in Neural Network
how to enforce lipschitz constraint in neural networks?
Langevin Dynamics for Bayesian Inference
stochastic differential equation, Fokker Plank equation, and their connections to Bayesian inference
Understanding and Implementing Asymmetric Numeral System (ANS)
an introduction of ANS and its implementation
Arithmetic Coding (AC) Implementation
python implementation of arithmetic coding
Optical Flow -- An Overview
summary of how optimal flow can be derived
Markov Chain Monte Carlo: Gibbs, Metropolis-Hasting, and Hamiltonian
a primer on Gibbs sampling, Metropolis-Hasting, and Hamiltonian MC
Normalizing Flow: understanding the change of variable equation
decipher absolute-logarithm-determinant-Jocabian
Understanding conventional HMM-based ASR training
call me an archeologist
Comparison of end-to-end ASR models
how CTC, RNN-transducer, and Attention factor probabilities
Gumbel max and Gumbel softmax
sampling of softmax == max of (logit + Gumbel noise)
An introduction to Kalman filter and particle filter
Kalman filter 101
Griffin-Lim algorithm for waveform reconstruction
the age before neural vocoder
A step-by-step guide to variational inference (4): variational auto encoder
learned amortized posterior == encoder
A step-by-step guide to variational inference (3): mean field approximation
posterior approximation before age of deep learning
A step-by-step guide to variational inference (2): expectation maximization
how to optimize ELBO when your approx posterior can be easily obtained
A step-by-step guide to variational inference (1): variational lower bound
what is variational lower bound, why it is important, and how to derive it
A solution manual to the Elements of Statistical Learning (ESL)
my solution to selected problems